onsdag 12 maj 2010
Uppsala söker akutläkare
Akademiska i Uppsala har annonserat efter akutläkare. Uppsala är min hemstad så jag vill gärna slå ett slag för Uppsala, de har en spännande möjlighet att gå långt med nystartad verksamhet, och behöver en hel drös med akutläkare, så kontakta verksamhetschef Henrik Toss snarast, 018-611 00 00.
tisdag 11 maj 2010
Bläddrade i läkartidningen på nätet och hittade ett par intressanta artiklar, en om amerikanska sjukvården och dess utbildning och en om turnustjänst i Harstad. Kändes närliggande då jag själv gjorde turnus i Harstad och nu arbetar i USA...!
söndag 9 maj 2010
Akutläkare i Piteå, Kalmar och Danmark...
Häromdagen fick jag rapport om att Piteå och Kalmar skall införa akutläkare!
Sökte lite på nätet och hittade nedanstående länkar...
Dessutom, som jag nämt tidigare, är danskarna i färd med att införa akutläkare som specialitet, och tydligen står svenska akutläkare högt i kurs, då de erbjuds dubbel nettolön jämfört med Sverige. Jag hoppas det går bra för Piteå och Kalmar att rekrytera akutläkare (och även danskarna), och summerar att den som väljer en karriär som akutläkare kommer att ha stora valmöjligheter vad gäller arbete och lön inom överskådlig tid...
Den som har mer info får gärna dela med sig på denna blog!
Sökte lite på nätet och hittade nedanstående länkar...
Dessutom, som jag nämt tidigare, är danskarna i färd med att införa akutläkare som specialitet, och tydligen står svenska akutläkare högt i kurs, då de erbjuds dubbel nettolön jämfört med Sverige. Jag hoppas det går bra för Piteå och Kalmar att rekrytera akutläkare (och även danskarna), och summerar att den som väljer en karriär som akutläkare kommer att ha stora valmöjligheter vad gäller arbete och lön inom överskådlig tid...
Den som har mer info får gärna dela med sig på denna blog!
lördag 1 maj 2010
Kurs i Holland
Jag delar med mig av ett utskick jag nyligen fått, kanske någon vill åka till Holland på kurs...! Obs, länkar till kurserna har jag bifogat längst ned i detta inslägg.
Dear international medical students, emergency medicine residents and faculty,
Hello again, and let me re-introduce myself to those of you who don't know me--my name is Terry Mulligan and I am the Chair of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Section for International Emergency Medicine. I am a US-residency trained, board-certified emergency physician, and I have been living and working in the Netherlands since 2006. I am currently the Director of the EM Residency here at University Medical Center Utrecht in Utrecht , The Netherlands.
I am writing this letter to notify you about several summer courses for international medical students, residents/registrars and interested faculty in Emergency Medicine that will be offered from July 19 till July 30, 2010.
1. “Emergency Medicine & International Emergency Medicine” is a 2-week course for medical students, EM residents and residents from other specialties, emergency medicine faculty and any other interested students. The first week is dedicated to clinical emergency medicine, and the second week is on international emergency medicine development. Both 1-week courses are meant to be taken together. Price includes course tuition and student housing.
a. Dates: July 19-July 30, 2010
b. Location: Utrecht University , Utrecht , The Netherlands
c. Website: http://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/index.php?type=courses&code=M30
d. Course Fee: 1100 euros (covers course + student housing)
e. Contacts:
i. Terry Mulligan at terrymulligan@yahoo.com or
Maggy Ovaa at m.ovaa@umcutrecht.nl
2. "How Doctors Think" is a 1-week course on patient safety and medical decision making for medical students, EM residents and residents from other specialties, emergency medicine faculty and any other interested students. This 1-week course is broken into two sections: Patient Safety, and Critical Thinking and Medical Decision-Making. This course follows immediately after the above course in EM and International EM and can be taken together. Price includes course tuition and student housing.
a. Dates: August 2-6, 2010
b. Location: Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
c. Website: http://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/index.php?type=courses&code=M32
d. Course Fee: 625 euros (covers course + student housing)
e. Contacts:
Terry Mulligan at terrymulligan@yahoo.com or Maggy Ovaa at m.ovaa@umcutrecht.nl
Please find more information on the course in the flyers attached and on the website of Utrecht Summer School: www.utrechtsummerschool.nl
Interested participants have the possibility to participate in the Emergency Medicine Summer Course, which will enable them to acquire knowledge and skills on the topic of Emergency Medicine, get to know the University Medical Center Utrecht and to be part of a large international student community for two-three weeks.
The University Medical Center Utrecht has an agreement with several international Universities for the exchange of medical students which means that there is the possibility to offer scholarships to select students to take part in the Emergency Medicine summer courses for 2010. Students who do not qualify for scholarships are of course also welcome.
Please note that the deadline for admission is June 15, 2010.
Attached is an official letter of invitation, along with more detailed course descriptions and prices which I encourage you to forward to any and all of your medical school, resident or faculty contact whom you feel might be interested in participating.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at terrymulligan@yahoo.com or you can contact Maggy Ovaa, head of our International Office at m.ovaa@umcutrecht.nl .
Terry Mulligan
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Co-Director Emergency Medicine Residency / Plv. Opleider Spoedeisende Geneeskunde
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Assistant Professor and Faculty
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Chair, ACEP Section for International Emergency Medicine
ACEP Ambassador to the Netherlands
ACEP Ambassador to EuSEM
Cell: +31 (0)6 241 135 66
Home: +31 (0)10 413 0829
Dear international medical students, emergency medicine residents and faculty,
Hello again, and let me re-introduce myself to those of you who don't know me--my name is Terry Mulligan and I am the Chair of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Section for International Emergency Medicine. I am a US-residency trained, board-certified emergency physician, and I have been living and working in the Netherlands since 2006. I am currently the Director of the EM Residency here at University Medical Center Utrecht in Utrecht , The Netherlands.
I am writing this letter to notify you about several summer courses for international medical students, residents/registrars and interested faculty in Emergency Medicine that will be offered from July 19 till July 30, 2010.
1. “Emergency Medicine & International Emergency Medicine” is a 2-week course for medical students, EM residents and residents from other specialties, emergency medicine faculty and any other interested students. The first week is dedicated to clinical emergency medicine, and the second week is on international emergency medicine development. Both 1-week courses are meant to be taken together. Price includes course tuition and student housing.
a. Dates: July 19-July 30, 2010
b. Location: Utrecht University , Utrecht , The Netherlands
c. Website: http://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/index.php?type=courses&code=M30
d. Course Fee: 1100 euros (covers course + student housing)
e. Contacts:
i. Terry Mulligan at terrymulligan@yahoo.com or
Maggy Ovaa at m.ovaa@umcutrecht.nl
2. "How Doctors Think" is a 1-week course on patient safety and medical decision making for medical students, EM residents and residents from other specialties, emergency medicine faculty and any other interested students. This 1-week course is broken into two sections: Patient Safety, and Critical Thinking and Medical Decision-Making. This course follows immediately after the above course in EM and International EM and can be taken together. Price includes course tuition and student housing.
a. Dates: August 2-6, 2010
b. Location: Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
c. Website: http://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/index.php?type=courses&code=M32
d. Course Fee: 625 euros (covers course + student housing)
e. Contacts:
Terry Mulligan at terrymulligan@yahoo.com or Maggy Ovaa at m.ovaa@umcutrecht.nl
Please find more information on the course in the flyers attached and on the website of Utrecht Summer School: www.utrechtsummerschool.nl
Interested participants have the possibility to participate in the Emergency Medicine Summer Course, which will enable them to acquire knowledge and skills on the topic of Emergency Medicine, get to know the University Medical Center Utrecht and to be part of a large international student community for two-three weeks.
The University Medical Center Utrecht has an agreement with several international Universities for the exchange of medical students which means that there is the possibility to offer scholarships to select students to take part in the Emergency Medicine summer courses for 2010. Students who do not qualify for scholarships are of course also welcome.
Please note that the deadline for admission is June 15, 2010.
Attached is an official letter of invitation, along with more detailed course descriptions and prices which I encourage you to forward to any and all of your medical school, resident or faculty contact whom you feel might be interested in participating.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at terrymulligan@yahoo.com or you can contact Maggy Ovaa, head of our International Office at m.ovaa@umcutrecht.nl .
Terry Mulligan
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Co-Director Emergency Medicine Residency / Plv. Opleider Spoedeisende Geneeskunde
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Assistant Professor and Faculty
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Chair, ACEP Section for International Emergency Medicine
ACEP Ambassador to the Netherlands
ACEP Ambassador to EuSEM
Cell: +31 (0)6 241 135 66
Home: +31 (0)10 413 0829
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